POEM: Lost In The Woods- Episode 2

Tuesday nap time here again
Alive or dead? alive with pains
The trees still dancing to the tone of the wind
A mere young boy still lost in the fields
I pounder over life, I pounder over living
Here's a few thoughts on the feelings I've been feeling;

"Night and day comes my way
But no digs to flop or lay
Sun and rain grants below
But this woods I've named my own
The moon and stars act as one
To help me see when night-time calls
I've not seen the key till now
Is it real or just a myth;"

"A virus I've become to the planet
With drenched dreams, hope and talent
A victim I've become to the disease
With no food, shelter, nor clothing"
A biblical verse is all I needed
"Save we pray the Son of David"
Just an act of random kindness
Makes the world glow with mildness;

Alas! An old man walking through the Taiga
A stop at him is what my Gray Matter did trigger
Loss of words, a loss of course
As I stared at him though he stared in thrust
Speech indeed, a speech released
As I looked not at the things behind.

